

“Salt is the sea that couldn’t reach the sky”. According to a legend once widespread among slaves, those who avoided eating salt became light enough to fly back to their homeland. PIERRES DE SEL 2016 >View the project  L’MARQTANE 2018 >View the project CUT/BLIND 2018 >View the project PODONIPSIE...

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Al-Bassir – Clairvoyant Since his passing, I’ve returned to the land of his ancestors, and the village of the saint who named him has become a place of refuge for me. I can’t give up the quest to find out what’s left unsaid in my family’s history. Faites à...

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Our artistic work, based on an encounter and co-creation with artist Richard Louvet, has enabled us to propose artistic devices in which exchange is at the heart of the relationship. Starting with a framework, we gave free rein to creativity and proposals. The participants, who can be described as...

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“Naming and building the memory we lack.” Patrick Chamoiseau It was during a first trip to Martinique that I realized the importance of the history of the slave trade. This issue is omnipresent and perceptible on the island. My work began more concretely with an artistic residency in Tighmart...

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Postcards were in daily use in the 1900s and 1920s. These cards circulated by the millions around the world. They helped photography spread into all spheres and tell the story of their time. They were the most common means of correspondence and communication. Women naturally found themselves as models...

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Souad El Maysour’s artistic research focuses on notions of individual and collective memory, and raises the question of domination. Her work is based on texts, still and moving images, sound and interviews. He engages the viewer in an exploration of territories. The aim of collecting elements or fragments is...

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La rencontre avec Slama a été un moment important lors de mon premier passage à Tighmart en 2018. Je m’interrogeai quant à ma place en tant qu’artiste dans cette résidence. Que pouvais-je bien apporter aux habitants de la palmeraie ? Mes recherches étaient axées sur la question de l’esclavage...

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C’est en visitant l’exposition le Maroc Médiéval, au Louvre, que j’ai découvert des objets étonnants. Parmi eux, un petit ensemble de pièces taillées dans le sel gemme : un bol, un coffre à couvercle et des plaquettes. Ces bibelots ont été confectionnés avec les bribes de plaques brisées, extraites...

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I’m delighted to be taking part in the second edition of Caravane Ouadane, which will run from November 5 to 20, 2022. RETURN TO THE”SUR LA ROUTE DES CARAVANES PAGE”.

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La résidence à Dakar fut d’une très grande richesse tant sur le plan de la recherche que des rencontres. J’ai eu la chance de séjourner plusieurs mois dans le quartier de Soumbédioune, Gueule Tapée, ce qui me permis d’être au cœur de la cité. Dans les archives Nationales et...

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